About the Poem

Did you notice how the personal pronouns are capitalized? That wasn't a typo. The lowercase ones refer to the 3D self, and the uppercase refer to the higher self.

Writing the Poem

You might find it interesting how I came to write this poem. It all started while I was out walking for exercise. Those walks are a walking meditation, and I just let my mind wander. On one of my walks the random thought "i know not who I am for I am a work in progress" came to me. Over the next several weeks that phrase kept coming back to me on my walks. I finally decided to do a google search for "i know not who I am." That search eventually led me to a YouTube video for the song Bulla Ki Jaana Maen Kaun (2005) by Rabbi Shergill. The first time I heard the song I had a strong connection with it even though it was in Hindi. The video below is one I found that clearly shows the lyrics in both Hindi and English. I included a link to the original music video in case you prefer action in your videos.

Bulla Ki Jaana Maen Kaun with lyrics Rabbi Shergill
This video on YouTube | Original video I found on YouTube

After additional research, I found that the song was a Hindi translation of a poem by Bulleh Shah. He was an Islamic philosopher and a Sufi poet that lived in an area now in Pakistan. From there I found an English translation of Bullah Ki Janna that was the inspiration for my poem.